Law No. 6735 on International Labor Force and Professions Prohibited for Foreigners
Article 9 of Law No. 6735 on International Labor Force outlines the circumstances under which work permit applications can be rejected. In paragraph “ç” of the same article, it is stated that professions reserved solely for Turkish citizens cannot be practiced by foreigners.
List of Professions Prohibited for Foreigners
According to the relevant legal provisions, the following professions can only be practiced by Turkish citizens:
Article 3 of the Law on Advocacy (Law No. 1136) requires Turkish citizenship to practice law in Turkey.Therefore, foreigners are prohibited from practicing law in Turkey. Notary
Article 7 of the Notary Law (Law No. 1512) stipulates that Turkish citizenship is a requirement to become a notary.As a result, foreigners cannot work as notaries in Turkey. Dentist
The Law on the Practice of Medicine and Medical Arts (Law No. 1219) restricts the profession of dentistry to Turkish citizens only.While foreign doctors and nurses can obtain permits to work, dentists must be Turkish citizens to practice in Turkey. Veterinary Surgeon
The Law on the Formation and Duties of the Union of Turkish Veterinarians (Law No. 6343) requires Turkish citizenship to practice veterinary medicine.Therefore, foreigners are not allowed to work as veterinarians in Turkey. Customs Broker
Article 227 of the Customs Law (Law No. 4458) states that Turkish citizenship is required to work as a customs broker.Foreigners are prohibited from pursuing this profession in Turkey. Tourist Guide
Article 3 of the Tourist Guide Profession Law (Law No. 6326) defines tourist guiding as a profession reserved solely for Turkish citizens.Consequently, foreigners cannot work as tourist guides in Turkey. Civil Servant
Article 48 of the Civil Servants Law (Law No. 657) stipulates that being a Turkish citizen is mandatory for civil service positions.Foreigners cannot be employed as civil servants in Turkey. Judge and Prosecutor
Article 8 of the Judges and Prosecutors Law (Law No. 2802) requires Turkish citizenship to work as a judge or prosecutor.As a result, foreigners are prohibited from holding these positions. Chief Administrator in Private Hospitals
The Private Hospitals Law mandates Turkish citizenship to be a chief administrator in private hospitals.Foreigners are not allowed to serve in this role. Security Guard
The Law on the Protection of Certain Institutions and the Provision of Security, stipulates that security guards must be Turkish citizens.Foreigners are prohibited from working as security guards. Professions Covered by the Cabotage Law
The Cabotage Law restricts professions such as diver, captain, and sailor to Turkish citizens only.
Alternative Professions for Foreigners
Foreigners can work in many sectors in Turkey, such as education, healthcare, technology, engineering, IT, and trade, as long as they obtain the necessary permits. Each sector has its own application processes and permit criteria.
Insight from Bayar Law Firm
Hüseyin BAYAR, the founder of Bayar Law Firm, provides detailed information regarding the work permits and professions prohibited for foreigners in Turkey. Compliance with the legal regulations is essential to ensure a smooth application process for permits.